Thursday, October 8, 2009

Foreign Policy Opinion

As we all know the United States is notorious for involving themselves in foreign affairs. Our presence in  Iraq being one of those countries. My belief is such that if we are not directly summoned by a particular countries representative government to help on an issue then we have absolutely no business "invading" a country and trying to affect a situation. This leads to further anger and rebellion on both sides and potentially hurts our relations with said countries and that countries allies. 
The only other reason that the US should ever intervene is if there is a severe and corrupt government that is controlling/ governing it's people unfairly and that is why I support the US stepping in with North Korea. Also if the US is in any form of possible danger I believe it should be our power and right to step in and change that possible course of events.
But like any important issue there is a very blurry line as to what constitutes the US to help other countries. The US is a powerhouse but we must remember how to use that power to the benefit to all other countries and our own. 


  1. I agree with the stepping-in idea. The U.S. should concern itself with other countries - yes, but not to the extent to take such a toll on its own resources.

    I don't know how we would help North Korea though, sadly. :(

  2. I totally agree with you Maia. The US has no business invading other countries! Of course, if the American citizens are at risk of being harmed then it's different. The part where it gets "iffy" though is when the government has to decide what is considered risky. For example, the whole weapons of mass destruction thing. Many people argue that they never existed but the government said differently. Who do we beleive?

  3. I agree with your view, I also don't think we have much business going into countries that have not requested our help. I think it just gets hard though because what classifies a government of being severe and corrupt?
